What she had was this, candy teef chewing gum with edible teeth! Yes you read it right, it's an edible denture! A row of exceptional bad teeth complete with receding gums. You wear the denture by chewing the included bubblegum, which according to my sister taste so good, then using it to stick the denture to your real teeth. After looking so stupid with those goofy teeth, you can now eat the gums and the teeth....Yikes, how delightful LOL!
It may sound weird, stupid, gross and nasty but I would definitely love to try it! I told her to send some for me ASAP, so I can show off that killer smile lolz! Oh and yeah, it would be nice to take a close-up shot with those teeth... for my default pic...hmmmm what do you think???

Ill asked terry to bring me some hehehe nakakaintriga to ah lol
hahahahahaha...love to try that one..XD
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