

i want kimchi!

Koreans love kimchi! It is always present during their meals. And since I wanna be korean, lolz! I can't help but get curious on what does it taste like. Anywayz, I was looking for a kimchi recipe and I did found one! Let me share it with you...hehe!

Spicy Korean Kimchi

1 pound chinese cabbage
2 tablespoons salt
4 cups cold water
2 cups very hot water

1 tablespoon finely chopped garlic
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger
1 tablespoon finely scallions
2 teaspoons finely chopped dried red pepper
2 teaspoons sugar
1 tablespoon salt

preparation: Separate the cabbage leaves, and sprinkle them with salt. Pour in cold water, and allow the mixture to stand in a cool place for 8 hours or overnight. Rinse the cabbage well and squeeze out excess liquid. Pour very hot water over the seasonings and mix well. Combine with cabbage leaves. Put the combination into a large glass bowl. You may have to cut the leaves in half to make them fit. Cover with plastic wrap, and leave in cool place for about 2 days. Drain the leaves, and cut them into bite-size pieces. Pack into a glass jar until ready to serve!

Hmmmm...yummy!!! Mamang, let's make kimchi na, lolz!


Carlota said...

one of my kimchi

I will email you later from work.